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Golden Greek




Since 2009




Frequently Asked Questions

Vaping is a new trend where people are vaping instead of smoking, meaning that they vaporize liquid via a combo of a mod and an atomizer.
Mod is the device that gives current to an atomizer. The current warms a wire inside the atomizer and the liquid the atomizer evaporates.
It is a mod that uses a telescope to adjust its length. That way it can accept any battery dimension.
Mechanical mods use directly the power of the battery when electronic mods use an electronic circuit (PCBA) that changes the current that the battery sends to the atomizer.
A proper mechanical mod has to have side and symmetrical battery gas escape holes, these holes have to be made close to the positive pole of the battery and they must also have a way to prevent short circuits like a spring that melts in case of a short, or an electronic module that prevents shorts.
Mechanical mods differ from each other because of the metal parts they are made of and the position of the button. There are side button mods (the most convenient), front button mods and in some of them, you need to push your mouth against the mod to fire.
They are electronic mods that use a PCBA without wires. Even their button is mechanical. The only mod like this is “Proteus” from “Golden Greek”.
There are mods that use a PCBA based on changing the volts, others change the watts and others change the temperature that applies to the resistance inside the atomizer. Others have all the previous options.​
You can use a mesh stainless steel sheet to rub the surfaces that touch the battery.
The atomizer is a device that evaporates the liquid. It carries a wire that gets hot because of the current that applies to it via a mod and evaporates the liquid around the wire via cotton that is attached to the wire coils.
It is α plastic, metallic or wooden small cylinder on the top of the atomizer that we put inside our mouth to suck the air that hits the wire.
Ιt is an atomizer’s feature that lets more or less liquid absorbed by the wicking material, which is usually cotton.
Ιt is an atomizer’s feature that lets more or less air hit the wire.
It is the atomizer’s cap we use it to refill the atomizer with liquid.

It is a special way to prevent atomizer leakage. It is a part of the atomizer that collects all the liquids that the wicking material didn’t absorb.

Usually with an air ring attached on the base or on the top of the atomizer or via pins with different holes.
There are many kinds of atomizers like RTA, RDTA, DRIPPERS, SQUONK ATOMIZERS. The main difference is the amount of air that hits the resistance. Especially drippers don’t carry a tank but you have to refill them very often with liquid by putting liquid drops inside it by hand or by squeezing a bottle that is attached to the mod. The squonk atomizers are atomizers that work with their tank but they also give the ability for squonking. Also there are atomizers that can fit 2 or more coils in parallel.
Check if the center post makes contact with the post of the mod, check if the wire is attached properly on the atomizer, check if the button of your mod works properly, and also check if there is a short circuit that usually happens inside the atomizer when the wire touches one of the atomizer’s posts, or the leg of the wire that is attached on the positive post of the atomizer also touches any place that plays the role of the negative pole.If you use an electronic mod, please check if your mod can handle the resistance.

The wicking material is not attached well inside the coil, or the wicking material is more than the appropriate and blocks the liquid, or you have a short circuit, or you vape a very thick liquid.

Because your wicking material is less than appropriate, or because you left the refilling cap open, or because you have to adjust the liquid control of your atomizer, or because you vape a very thin liquid.

Because liquid replaces the air that was inside the atomizer.

Batteries are devices that collect current when we charge them and they give this current to any machine that needs it to work properly.

They are usually flat-topped 18650 lithium-ion batteries (18 mm wide and 650 mm long) at 4,2 volts when are fully charged. The smaller mods use the same batteries but in smaller dimensions like the 18350. Other mods use 21700 batteries. and others use 26500 or 26650 batteries.

They are usually flat-topped 18650 lithium-ion batteries (18 mm wide and 650 mm long) at 4,2 volts when are fully charged. The smaller mods use the same batteries but in smaller dimensions like the 18350. Other mods use 21700 batteries. and others use 26500 or 26650 batteries.

It is the material that absorbs liquid and it is usually cotton.

We used to use silica before years, some atomizers were using mesh wrapped in a coil but most atomizers use cotton made for vaping.

They are liquids made of vegetable glycerin and/or propylene glycol and aromas made for food. They come in several tastes. The shortfills are ready to vape liquids when flavor shots are liquids that require the user to add glycerin and/or propylene glycol before they get ready for vaping.

It is a “closed” vaping device that doesn’t give you possibilities. Usually, you vape from a cartridge full of liquid which you can refill. After 3-4 refillings you have to replace the cartridge that carries the wire and the wicking material.

It is a wire with an end that sticks to the wall power and another end that fits on the mod. That way there is no need for a battery to vape.

It is a rethreader that is made of metal and changes the threading of the mod.

A tank is a cylindrical metal tube that feeds standard 510 atomizers.

It is a system similar to a tank but carries more features like air control and liquid control.

Absolutely not because they release their particles inside the liquid that we inhale. 

Absolutely not because they release their oxides inside the liquid that we inhale. 

Only the biocompatible metals like Zirconium, Stainless Steel and Titanium.

Absolutely not, in fact, the opposite.

Absolutely not because they release their oxides inside the liquid that we inhale. 

Every 4-5 days. The Stainless Steel, less often.

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