“Dark Mamba”
The GG Dark Mamba hits like a moving train and tastes exactly as you want to taste.
It is composed of a variety of Burley and Virginia tobaccos.
By combining these two ingredients in perfect balance, we achieved the ideal elixir.
We added caramelized, cooked nuts to give you a sweet and dry flavor at the same time.
Probably the best RY4 you’ve ever taste!
Add 42ml base of your choice and you will have 60ml of liquid very quickly and easily.
Packaging: 60ml bottle
Maturation: 7 to 10 days
Content: 18ml (concentrated flavor in PG)
Origin: Spain
*PLEASE NOTE: This product is not intended for immediate use.
It is a concentrated flavor and requires further processing and dissolution.
The packaging is a 60ml bottle and contains 18ml of concentrated flavor.