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Golden Greek




Since 2009








Is vaping healthy?

Is vaping safe?

Can vaping damage your lungs?

Is vaping better than smoking?

Is vaping with mesh as a wicking method safe?



If someone had told you a few years ago that you would be vaporizing rust or ceramic particles, you would tell them that they’re talking nonsense, that they’re is an idiot. But that is exactly what happened, as people were trying to find new ways to improve vaporizing.

Unfortunately the problem occurred for two reasons: Ignorance and the mere attempt to make money. I honestly hope that only the first case is true.

Other people spread rumors that the coating improves conductivity, and others are introducing dangerous metals or alloys as resistance wires.

Myths about Vaping would be fine if they were harmless, but they most certainly aren’t. Vaping needs to be safe, but unfortunately it sometimes can be very dangerous, only because some people introduce new vaping methods without considering vapers’ health.


Let’s talk more about the above-mentioned issues that the Golden Greek company addressed first, and let’s start with dry burning, which was introduced by some youtube guys.

First of all, this vape style offers nothing to vaping pleasure. But even if some agree, it doesn’t mean that it’s allowed. Not all types of poison taste nasty. Does that mean we have to try them?


If you press the button of your mod when there is no wick or liquid in the atomizer, the wire will become red-hot very quickly because the mass of the wire is small and the wire is thin, which means that the temperature at the resistαnce goes up to 900 degrees Celsius. If we let go of the button, the resistance cools down quickly because of its small mass. This way the metal resistor is destroyed because it is oxidized. Oxide is no longer a metal, but something else, vastly different from the metal itself.


Oxides are generally dangerous for two main reasons. Firstly, they are not biocompatible, which means that the human body can’t tolerate them, they’re poison to it. Secondly, oxides are almost always unstable on the metal surface, so every time we press the button and the wire gets hot, these small particles are separated from the metal surface and by inhalation they get sucked into our lungs, stay there indefinitely and cause damage to the lung cells.


It’s evident now why mesh vaporizers are so unhealthy for vaping. The mesh has to be oxidized before we can use it as a wick in atomizers. Vaping on an oxidized stainless steel? That’s no less than forbidden.


Two or three years ago, ceramics were introduced to the market as a wicking method. The GG line immediately addressed them as harmful elements. These ceramics are porous to absorb liquid, so they are very thin and easy to break. When they do, the small particles get sucked directly into your lungs by inhalation. You should know that ceramic water filters have been taken off the market simply because they release small particles that go directly into our digestive system, making the water unhealthy, even unhealthier than tap water. Now imagine these particles entering our inhalation system, which is much more sensitive than our digestive system.


Some people think that the coating (silver, gold etc.) improves conductivity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Alright, let me explain what the problem is with coating. Plating is a process in which we apply a thin layer of one metal to the surface of another metal. In this way, we protect the surface of the base metal from oxidation. But we do not improve conductivity, quite the contrary. Why? Because electricity needs a large surface area to flow easily. When we plate a metal, the current cannot flow easily through the very thin layer of the metal we used to plate, even if that metal has a better conductivity than the base metal. This increases the resistance of the circuit and decreases conductivity. After the current has passed through the very thin layer of metal that we used to plate, the current on base metal can finally flow with ease.


If we want to increase the conductivity, we have to use solid metals with good conductivity like silver and never resort to silver or gold plating solutions. But this can be really expensive, it is not necessary for a customer to pay a huge amount of money to merely have ten extra minutes with their vaping device. So the coating should only be used to protect the metal surface from oxidation and not for extra conductivity.


Regarding metals or alloys used to create a resistance on an atomizer: Not all metals are suitable for use on e-cigs. For example, we cannot use Kanthal or Nichrome or Nickel or Ni-Fe or any other metal that is not biocompatible and approved for human use by the FDA, as these metals would simply harm our health. This is also the reason why we need certain metals to store or cook our food and store our liquids. We never cook or store on nickel pans and pots, not on kanthal, not on any other metal that hasn’t been approved for human use.


About stainless steel: We at Golden Greek, believe that it can be used for e-cigs. But never burn it dry, especially because it leaches out hexavalent chromium, which is very dangerous for the human body. Kanthal, on the other hand, produces alumina on its surface that protects it from further oxidation, but this thin oxide layer breaks at temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius and it gets into our liquid or, by inhalation, directly into our lungs.

Nickel is another non-biocompatible metal. It has been used a lot in jewelry, but it causes allergies. 15% of humanity is allergic to nickel. A nickel allergy can be very dangerous, so nickel must be avoided.


The last thing we need to keep in mind is what happens if we frequently replace stainless steel resistance wires. We mentioned it’s safe. But only when it’s old, which means that every time we change our wire, we inhale some really dangerous stuff. Why is that?

Toxicological studies show that oral doses of nickel and chromium can cause cutaneous adverse reactions such as dermatitis. Additional dietary sources, such as leaching from stainless steel cookware during food preparation, are not well characterized. A study examined stainless steel grades, cooking time, repetitive cooking cycles, and multiple types of tomato sauces for their effects on nickel and chromium leaching. Trials included three types of stainless steels and a stainless steel saucepan; cooking times of 2 to 20 hours, ten consecutive cooking cycles, and four commercial tomato sauces. After a simulated cooking process, samples were analyzed by ICP-MS for Ni and Cr. After six hours of cooking, Ni and Cr concentrations in tomato sauce increased up to 26- and 7-fold respectively, depending on the grade of stainless steel. Longer cooking durations resulted in additional increases in metal leaching, where Ni concentrations increased 34 fold and Cr increased approximately 35 fold from sauces cooked without stainless steel. Cooking with new stainless steel resulted in the largest increases. Metal leaching decreases with sequential cooking cycles and stabilized after the sixth cooking cycle, though significant metal contributions to foods were still observed. The tenth cooking cycle, resulted in an average of 88 μg of Ni and 86 μg of Cr leached per 126 g serving of tomato sauce. Stainless steel cookware can be an overlooked source of nickel and chromium, where the contribution is dependent on stainless steel grade, cooking time, and cookware usage.


We need to vape according the rules on mods, atomizers, pods and disposable electronic cigarettes. We have to use RTA tanks and mods with non built-in battery.


We Golden Greek believe that zirconium is the only wire suitable for vaping. Please check this page:

Zirconium wire

All these issues were first addressed by the Golden Greek company and we are proud to have protecteded vapers from mistakes that could harm their precious health.

About Safety of Vaping (by Golden Greek)