Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο

Golden Greek




Since 2009




Διά λόγου των Πελατών μας

Golden Greek επισκοπήσεις

Στην Golden Greek, είμαστε υπερήφανοι για τις εξαιρετικές σχέσεις που έχουμε δημιουργήσει με τους πολύτιμους πελάτες μας όλα αυτά τα χρόνια.


Είμαστε στην πολύ ευχάριστη θέση να μοιραστούμε τις απόψεις τους μαζί σας, σχετικά με τα δικά μας ηλεκτρονικά τσιγάρα, RTA ατμοποιητές, RDA ατμοποιητές, RDTA ατμοποιητές, RDTA – SQUONKS ατμοποιητές, και άλλα ατμιστικά προΪόντα GG.

Golden Greek reviews

Francesco Tutera








Braga Gomes

PERSEUS last RTA Golden Greek
If it was an animal it would be a kitten with its incredible silence, its Greek claw, its character, its agility. The best it’s it had amazing flavors
“At night all cats are Greek”


Daoud Lakeub

Same to me my first gg, Perseus and deck commanded, I was looking for an atomizer that comes out of the common, but all it looks alike and I was told about imeo his way to be, his way of working, then I saw the Perseus and I’m going I said another high end like no other, I’m going to take it anyway I trust my friend who told me about Imeo and a few days later I see the deck and then I thought my mate was right this guy is a Genius. Genius. It’s not my usual to be like this, but I’m going to say it’s an honor to be able to buy a piece of yours, thanks again to you and Hernan Sabai for your kindness and professionalism.


Lizzy Leander

My first greek Atomizer is in his way
I tried several times to purchase another model, Penelope’s, iatty’s, Odysseus, but without success.
OK, i don’t check the Internet every day.
But now, Perseus is coming
…maybe a good sign for an everlasting friendship


Sotiris Papadopoulos

PERSEAS… tons of flavor


JC West

I gotta thank Phi Dinh at GG USA for helping me put together a dream setup, Perseus and GG4S mixed. (this isn’t mine but what I’m getting) it will be a long-treasured piece. It’s such a coincidence my Bully had puppies and my pick of the litter is named Perseus. It was fate. Imeo Thanasis I’m excited to try some of the modern stuff it’s been far to many years since I enjoyed having a GG full setup


Raffaele Bucci

amazing flavor


Dennis Albert

Μετά από μέρες δοκιμών του Περσέα με διαφορετικά σύρματα, βαμβάκι, πινάκια αέρα, μηχανικά ή ηλεκτρονικά mods, το αποτέλεσμα είναι: Εξαιρετική γεύση! Με πινάκι 1,5 mm, το Exitpin και με σύρμα Kanthal A1. Εξαιρετικά απαλό mtl. Πολύ καλή δουλειά Golden Greek


Eryk Wójcikowski

Thank you GG team. Congrats
Perseus is a keeper. Great mtl 


Sam Cannady

Perseus in the US!!  
Having now used the Perseus, the Vape is nothing short of amazing! The flavor is outstanding!! Imeo did it again!  I just polished up the ggtx to use with the Perseus. 
Not only did Imeo give us another incredible Atty, but he also did it at a really reasonable price!!  Atomizers’ pricing have skyrocketed and are ranging from 140 to 170€!  And that doesn’t even include the airflow insert you need to get the vape you desire. 
Imeo, not only brings the community such great innovation, he does it for the vapers and not for himself. The Perseus could easily sell for 160€ plus…..the quality and taste of this atomizer definitely warrants it…..don’t take my word for it…see for yourself. I just got it today and I’m thinking of ordering a second one


Simon Mcdermott

Got some new o-rings 
Went for the full piss kit as extra verdict, not shit 
Sitting in the rss sbs concept mod perfect height with the 4ml extension cheers Imeo Thanasis


Don Pengelley

Perseus has arrived, 1st build & wow such flavor. Dark Mamba is shining. Bit more cotton in the next one as it’s a bit leaky…. running the big pin, top pin out, wide open air & juice flow set to just a tad.
Εξαιρετική δουλειά Imeo, εντυπωσιασμένος.


Marco Geröllheimer

Update on Monday . My first impression of Perseus is excellent. Many, many thanks, dear Imeo, for continuing to develop these wonderful devices.


Gerhard Grozurek

I’ve been testing the Perseus for 2 weeks now, my deep respect for my friend Imeo, the Perseus is excellent, a real Golden Greek.

If I can only wish for one thing … a flat top cap so that every drip tip fits. thanks



Ioannis Diamantopoulos

Exceptional… as always! 
Bravo Imeo Thanasis


Sam Cannady

Insane Flavor!!  I cannot fully express the amount of flavor I’m getting!!  It’s going to ruin my Atty collection!


Bill Cooper

English review of the Perseus!

Spoiler alert: it’s awesome


Michael Ryan

I’ll probably be posting many pics of this one. The more I vape it, the better it tastes…
A delicious most satisfying RL vape


Achim Markscheffel



John-Arve Viset

First; thanks for creating yet another great one


As always trying out a new atty, my first build is rounded kanthal 26awg/0.75ohm/16w.

Uses stock air pin (1.5mm) and exit pin.

This works very fine together. Will try out some other air pins later (they are already in house)

Have closed the juice control to just one hole pr. side (I´m not a chain vaper) and three afc holes open pr. side.

Everything is just smooth.

Now- just enjoys the Perseus and listen to Bruckner 1.symph. before going to conduct some other stuff.

Oh, yes. I´m back to work after my heart attack

Have a nice day all.



Σε λίγες μέρες συμπληρώνω 2 χρόνια που απέκτησα τον ΤΑΕ.
Έχω δει ότι review υπάρχει στο ίντερνετ και έχω διαβάσει οτιδήποτε έχει γραφεί σε διάφορα φόρουμ!!!
Όλοι τονίζουν το πόσο καλά αποδίδει σε καπνικά υγρά και δεν έχουν άδικο!!!
Για γλυκά υγρά οι περισσότεροι αναφέρουν οτι θα πρέπει να δούμε κάτι άλλο.
Η αφορμή που γράφω αυτό είναι ότι στα 2 περίπου χρόνια που έχω τον ΤΑΕ δεν μπήκα καν στην διαδικασία να δοκιμάσω πως παίζει οτιδήποτε άλλο πέρα από καπνικό, επηρεασμένος βέβαια από αυτά που είδα και διάβασα.
Πρίν λίγες ημέρες από λάθος αντί να γεμίσω με καπνικό, έχωσα μέσα κατά λάθος λεμονόταρτα της γνωστής κυρίας.
Μετά από μερικές τζούρες και αφού άρχισε να φεύγει η τσιγαρίλα απο τα φυτίλια, άρχισα να γεύομαι κάτι ξινό…..και μετά από λίγο το ξινό άρχισε να γίνεται πολύ ξινό και παράλληλα να έρχεται και η γεύση της τάρτας με απίστευτη ένταση…..ώπα λέω τι έγινε??? Κατάλαβα βέβαια οτι γέμισα με τάρτα λεμόνι αλλά ήταν η πρώτη φορά που ένοιωσα ότι το υγρό αυτό αφήνει και ξινή γεύση…..και να σκεφτείτε ότι τάρτα λεμόνι έχω κατεβάσει κάτι λίτρα….(μου αρέσουν τα ξινά σαν ξινομούρης που είμαι lol)….και όλα αυτά με έναν ατμοποιητή που υποτίθεται ότι παίζει εξαιρετικά τα καπνικά και όχι τα γλυκά!!!
Από εκείνη την στιγμή και αφού μου έκανε πολύ μεγάλη εντύπωση η απόδοση του τηλέμαχου στα γλυκά, άρχισα να πειραματίζομαι μαζί του και πάντα συγκρίνοντας τον με ίδιας κατηγορίας ατμοποιητές!!!
Και ναι!!!!! έχω να ατμίσω καπνικό πάνω απο 2 εβδομάδες!!!!
Δεν κατάλαβα φυσικά πως βγήκε αυτήν η θεωρία οτι ο ΤΑΕ παίζει πολύ καλά τα καπνικά (και όντως) αλλά όχι τόσο καλά τα γλυκά.
Παίδες δοκιμάστε το δεν θα χάσετε!!!


Liviu Prodaniuc

Second day with my atty and I am very satisfied and tested several liquids, everything is more than perfect, is done very well this atty, thanks imeo!


Heinz Weiss

I would be so grateful if i could get an Iatty! even without alcohol


Hasan Akçiçek

Iatty Reloaded, best of the best, artwork


Stefan Liz Ard

My GG Collection! now I hope there will come a ggts 22mm in stainless steel


Martin Weimer

The legend has arrived


Jan Thiersch

Excellent work Imeo


Silvia Langer

the Tilemahos V2 plus is such a great evaporator… that was my FIRST of GG


Achim Nowotka

Hello friends
Inspired by our friend Gerhard.
The test if the ggtx can handle more electricity too
He passed the test 0,2 ohms with the zenith rda no warming on the button and on the tube just perfect 


Filippo Mannino

Unbeatable !!!!
Happy Sunday everyone !!!


Dimitris Adamos

I still can’t believe the awesome delivery time!!!These guys there really do magic…(as always..). Thank you GG Store.


Axel Seventy-Two

Freshly wrapped. Thanks Imeo for this great Atomizer!


Colin Green

Good evening,
Just like to say thank you for accepting me into this group,
Although I do have the Tilemahos Armed 22 mm this is my first GG mod purchase.
I Always wanted the GGTS back in the day but unfortunately, I never purchased one so when the GGTX came along I just had to buy it.
I must say it’s a stunning device, impeccable workmanship, and beautiful in the hand.
Really, really happy with it.


Lance Grandis

What a score I found! New esterigon and on sale and on my side of the pond too!
When I first got interested in vaping about 9 years ago, I remember seeing a ggts (or similar) and it blew my mind. I realized an e-cig could be not just a vaping device, but a work of art and craftsmanship and so I of course wanted one very much. Well, it took a while, but today I finally got one…


Frank Muders

Anniversary ggts is a real eyecatcher and performs very well. Welcome to the collection.
And really happy with the iatty. Sound, taste everything is fine


Elias Dimitrakakis

Perseus RTA first build!
Congratulations imeo! Excellent job! 


Marty Weinberger

Perseus has landed and he rocks. 
Thank you Phi for making it happen and thank you Imeo for yet another star


Dimitris Chalatsis

GGTX: Perhaps the best manufactured and designed product of Imeo. Amazed


Kostas Boudouris-vougiouklakis

Eυχαριστώ Σάκη……..πράγματι είναι κόσμημα αδερφέ !
Τελικά δεν έχει αντίπαλο στο mtl είναι μια κατηγορία μόνος του Giannis Lagoudakis ευχαριστώ πολύ αδερφέ !!


John-Arve Viset

Good morning freaks.
Just had to use the wonderful light this morning.
Can`t put down the Iatty Reloaded. It has become the rta I use all day long.
Just can’t put it down. It’s so good.
This one also has the opportunity for DL and as you can see from the juice control holes, these feed the cotton like h… 🙂
I now run true MTL and have only one hole open on the juice control. This holds for the plenty.
Thanks to Imeo for creating such great gear for us.


Gerhard Grozurek

The taste is excellent, this is my new reference Atty to which all have to measure!
DL 0.3 Ohm, the button on the GGTX is fantastic!


Daniel Pfister

It’s a beauty – from a genius!


Dennis Albert

Simply amazing, so shiny and goldy. Love it


Ariel Rincón Falconi

I’m really, really impressed, I think is the best atomizer ever produced by GG.
In all aspects: extremely easy to setup (coil and cotton), very easy to switch between airflow pins, everything is PERFECT: juice flow control, airflow control ring, top cap/refilling, the drip tip to my style of vaping (MTL), aesthetics, machining quality, the grab screws (used a 28 AWG wire), the flavor is amazing, vapor production and density are great, no juice under the drip tip (pool of liquid), 0 wicking problems, included essential spares (an extra glass tank would have been desirable) what else can I say? It is a dream atomizer.
The only thing I would like to have is an airflow of 1.2mm (maybe I could reduce a little the diameter of the solid airflow pin?).
My setup is very simple: Kanthal A1 28AWG, 2.5mm, 1.0 Ohms.
Bravo Imeo Thanasis !!!


Βασιλειος Τσουρεκας

Το Cybrillion δουλεύει βαρβάτα και κάτω του 0.20 Ohms.


Patrick Blindeman

The New GGTX from Golden Greek beautiful, high-class vaping tool … Ι love it!


Al Chelios

In love with Iatty RTA!


Runar Juvang

8 years without tobacco. Thanks to GG


Harris Dellaportas

Όλο για τον iatty ποστάρετε και πληγώνετε εμάς που δεν τον έχουμε. Χαχαχα. Υπάρχουν κι άλλα εξαιρετικά προϊόντα από τον imeo. Χεχε!!!


Mario Noack

Amadeus in XL, love it!


Petros Tzikas (for GG liquids and Iatty Reloaded)

The best I’ve ever vaped!
Ο καλύτερος ατμοποιητής που είχα στα τελευταία 5 χρόνια!


Lanfranco Troiani



Max Schmidt

Finally there! What a beauty!


Dirk Steffen

Meeting of two legends…
My lovely JGG & Ithaka… one of the best Combo‘s ever made!
Τhe IAtty Reloaded is for me the best Atomizer of 2019!
And one of the best you ever made…on the same ranking as Ithaka and Penelope with a great taste!
And yes I agree … with the new GGTX…. it could only going to be one of the best Combos.


Βασιλειος Τσουρεκας

Θάνο μου θεωρώ περιττό να κάνω περιγραφή των υγρών.
Θα αναφέρω απλά ότι το dark δεν άντεξε βδομάδα ….. , αν και για λόγους ….. οικονομίας ….. , δεν ήταν το μοναδικό υγρό που χρησιμοποίησα …..
Ιδιαίτερο και εθιστικό…..
Το sweet δε χρειάστηκε πολλά πολλά….
Με τις πρώτες τζούρες με σκλάβωσε.
Ένα μόνο παράπονο……
Λίγα τα 60ml…….


Chris Laubmann

I like this old-style vaping a lot. Great quality device. Top button! Thanks imeo!



Κύριε Θανάση μήπως θα πρέπει να δείτε την περίπτωση να βγάλετε και 2η παρτίδα? κάποιοι δεν πρόλαβαν να τον αποκτήσουν ή μπορεί να ήταν επιφυλακτικοί και κάποιοι άλλοι θα ήθελαν και 2ο ΙΑΤΤΥ μιας και αυτή την στιγμή που μιλάμε δεν υπάρχει κάποιος ατμοποιητής στην αγορά που να μπορεί να συγκριθεί μαζί του!!!!
H φάση είναι ότι όπως και να τον έστησα τον Iatty, παίζει…..και παίζει καλά!!!! Πλέον άρχισα τις καφρίλες με το βαμβάκωμα μπας και δω έστω και μια σταγόνα διαρροή αλλά δεν μου κάνει την χάρη lol


Kay-Ingo Ludwig

My beloved GG Atty’s with my new beloved box


Simos Pitsfaniak

Παιδιά καλημερα!
Είχα πει ότι δεν θα ξαναψωνίσω άλλα υγρά εκτός από τα mambas γιατί πάντα κάτι άλλο βρίσκω αλλά ξενερώνω στη πορεία
Όμως να ακόμη ένα παραπάτημα όταν τα GG mambas δεν ήταν διαθέσιμα
Δοκίμασα πολλά καπνικά στα 40 βατ στο μαγαζί που είμαι πελάτης και κατέληξα.
Το αγόρασα, όμως δεν με ικανοποίησε.
Για να μην το πετάξω και κλαίω τα λεφτά μου, θα το ατμίσω.


Dirk Steffen

Hernan, my friend thx for the fast shipping and best service ever!
The iAtty is unbelievable…


Van Lorencin

Imeo Thanasis made me spend money yet again!


Alejandro Guerrero Navarro

Old times..still remember the first Penelope I bought and how amazing and how innovative the product it was, I still have one on the “shelves of fame”…


Giannis Kolasidis

Την καλησπέρα μου ομαδάρα ….
Πρώτες εντυπώσεις από Perseus απίστευτες…
Γεύση μοναδική!! Προς το παρόν παίζω με καπνικό υγρό, θα δοκιμαστεί και σε γλυκά!!!
Το χτύπημα πολύ δυνατό κάτι που μου άρεσε αρκετά δεν το είχα βρει σε άλλες συσκευές που είχα δοκιμάσει….
Και τέλος η τζούρα. Πιο Σμουθάτη τζούρα δεν έχω ξανακάνει! Αυτό το τράβηγμα με εξέπληξε, λέω ώπα δεν μπορεί να συμβαίνει… Με λίγα λόγια ένα διαμάντι…


Billis Fotiou

θανάση το dark mamba είναι τρέλα φίλε !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!το λάτρεψα!!!!!!!!!!!!!!και το golden gene πολύ δυνατό !!!


Xavi Rubio

I am also new to the GG family and I am totally amazed at their products, their finishes, materials, and everything.
I have no words to describe the quality and work that shows when you have this in your hand! Now I can say that I feel very fortunate to have them !!!!! And not only that, but the treatment received by Hernan Sabai is 10 !!! Thanks Imeo Thanasis and Hernan Sabai for making it possible !!!
The NEW collector’s item GGTX from Golden Greek and i love it !!!!!!


Ben Rogge

The Armed was my first MTL atty 2 years ago and it is until today my favorite one.
I have tried and compared it with many known European attys like FeV, Kayfun etc. and while it is not so restricted as the FeV can be, it has the roundest flavor and a nice throat hit.
Handling is easy, I can easily build it for my series mech tube which is very important to me, the design is excellent and the option for 30mm+ diameter is great and rare too. And the special things on the Armed are the brass parts! RTAs and brass are sadly so rare but beautiful as hell. RDAs in the higher quality level (Avid Lyfe, Kennedy, Comp Lyfe, etc) offer this material very often.
A friend of mine who vaped also DL with the Kennedy RDA and stuff like that got the 23mm version and vapes it every day. While she was sooo skeptical about MTL and RTAs in general she is so into this MTL thing since she first tried it.
To be honest spare parts are a bit rare from time to time. Some of the long time vapers say also that the older GG attys are way more intense in flavor. But they are rare as well. Like most of the GG stuff. 
Enjoy your Armed! It is simply great!
/fanboy over and out 


Λάμπρος Μπελαής

Είναι κόσμημα πραγματικό και άκρως αποδοτικό!!
Imeo Thanasis σε ευχαριστούμε!!


Patrick Blindeman

Iatty Reloaded, Best atomizer ever: Great flavor and throat hit, excellent machining, genius construction, high precision, versatile, and easy to use!
Be fast people … my mother always says life is like a box of GGTX. Once you vape it you never go back …
Ready to get inspired, explore the world with GG…
And here we go … great taste great vape justGG
Thanks Hernan for the super service and Imeo Thanasis also service and for making these pieces of art … hip hip hurray … what a taste and what a vape, I am in heaven


Till von Hoegen

To be honest, I like the new GG Attys, but I still love this one. My first GG, so silent and tasty. And so fucking beautiful. And, yes I mixed the GGTS a little bit


Dimitrios Chrysafis

Σήμερα παραλάβαμε το καινούριο μας κόσμημα. Ευχαριστούμε τον κύριο Ιμεο και την Fab Vape και πάμε για την πρώτη μας απολύμανση.


Liviu Prodaniuc

My favorite mod and atomizer always with me
I’m in love with this latty 


Petros Tzikas

It is the best atty for me! The smoothest vape and throat hit, best flavor, very nice design, and easy to use however all features! I only wish 1, 2 mm air pin! That would be great!


Umbra Misan

Nice isolators and quality like all golden greeks


Verdu Tumaka

There is no better rainy afternoon than riding this setup and enjoying these top products of Golden Greek. A real wonder the iatty reloaded. Thank you Hernan Sabai for making it possible and also to Imeo Thanasis for your piece of work.


Ønyx de Rivia

Hi, friends.
I’m Hernan’s Sabai friend and I miss the preorder of Iatty but I’m really interested to have one unit. Somebody can help me please? I really want to have this atomizer but now it’s impossible. Maybe someone with two units can help me. Thanks a lot


Al Chelios

Brutal RTA top


Darius Maichrzyk

GG Iatty Reloaded 1 of 656 is two weeks with me
First of all I have to say that I already have several GG owners, e.g. Tilemahos or Amadeus.
The Iatty picked me up, had time to test the vaporizer over Christmas, and I am now on the road with twisted clapton wire at 0.50 ohms at 25 watts.
Since I’m not the MTL steamer anyway, I have the 3 mm pin and I am with it
Draw resistance very satisfied, already the possibility to replace the pin without the winding
I find it a masterpiece, processing top and the thing is simply beautiful.
Has become my everyday vaporizer and on the typhoon box the Iatty Reloaded GG looks like one cast
If I could have wished for something, it would be a different TOP cap where you can make your own.
Could take drip tips without the increase, but … … I don’t want to whine.
For me, the vaporizer has become 2019/2020, Imeo a typical, simply uncomplicated
Functionally whether MTL or restrictive DL everything possible.
I can and will recommend the Iatty R.


Chris Gkourometsios

Probably the last shined Iatty arrived safe to its home!! Thank you for the great and fast service Hernan Sabai! Can’t wait to build this beauty!! Thank you so much Imeo Thanasis for the opportunity to have this limited gem!


Stelios Kritopoulos

Finally!! Thanks Imeo Thanasis, lucky to get it!!


Xristos Zormpas

Πω πω μια ομορφιά είναι ρε γαμώτο!


Axx Pipila

Unfortunately didn’t catch the pre-order. I hope in future I’ll have the great opportunity to get one iAtty. It’s great. Merry Christmas and enjoy high quality vaping


Jogge Jörch Bosbovicz

thx. 5 years ago on Christmas Ι quit smoking. In March 14 I bought this used combo in new condition. It was a long time my all day. It runs like the first day


Evaggelia Pavlidi

Καλησπέρα σας , ήθελα μόνο να πω ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στον Imeo Thanasis για αυτόν τον υπέροχο ατμοποιητή, τον οποίο δεν χορταίνω να ατμίζω!!!
Άψογο απλά, εύκολο στήσιμο, καθόλου διαρροές, πανέμορφο!!! Ένα κόσμημα!!!


Volkan Togulga

Welcome Home my Perseus. 
Thanks GG!!!


Masaki Inoue

Mod you made is a jewel


Mark Pinson

The Iatty Reloaded is a pure work of genius! And such versatility 


Raffaele Bucci

And my favorite atomizer I could not do without it now


Dennis Albert

So happy with my 2 devices. Thanks for the good service as well. Nice Sunday


Антон Чехов

finally got it! Iatty reloaded is incredible! thx Imeo!


Thorsten Bender

MTL in its purest form.
For me, the GG IATTY reloaded is almost perfect.
I’m looking forward to new pins to come, otherwise I’ll do it myself as usual ,,, the pin 


Fani Fox

Δεν νομίζω να έχει βγει καλύτερος σε γεύση ατμοποιητής. Έχω και τον reloaded, όμως ο αρχικός iatty είναι και παραμένει πάντα αρχηγός! Και αν τον μάθει κάποιος, τον στήνει και με κλειστά τα μάτια (με έτοιμα σύρματα, παιδιά, πάνε οι εποχές του στριψίματος και του τσαφ!)


Adrian Schweri

Iatty, Best atomizer ever: Great flavor and throat hit, excellent machining, genius construction, high precision, versatile, and easy to use!


Stelios Kritopoulos

Χρόνια σας πολλά!! Νομίζω ότι καλύτερο είχα ποτέ στην συλλογή μου!!! Πολύ έξυπνη κατασκευή!!!


 Karadagis Dimos

Ένας τέτοιος ατμοποιητής μπορεί να σταθεί παντού.


Petros Tzikas

Golden Greek Perseus, with the new deck the atomizer with the most options and still easy to use and small! Love this atomizer!

It’s an all-rounder and a genius!


Pier Francesco Fedrizzi

I always thought that another greek Rta had Imeo’s DNA. Now, I’m sure. Happy new TwentyTwenty!
Qorax Stan is a myth, directly from Olympus and Greece, just like GG. And he loves the product signed by the Eagle…


Stelianno D’angelo

thanks for getting Mr in this club …I was amazed by engineering made for attys ….


Tarmizi Nasir



Mark Pinson

Besides selling my soul (not even sure that would do it), where might one obtain a GG Ithaka? Many thanks and a good day to you all.


Mario Noack

I need only one word to describe: PERFECT! thank you Imeo!


Christian Hitsch Kuster

Excellent !


Uwe Franke

Very HAPPY to be a GG friend by now with the Iatty reloaded….
It’s smooth as GG always was and also lot of lots of parts => OMG
Anyway – awesome flavor – just loving it!!!


Martin Razek

Great ATTY is Iatty. Thank you Imeo


Cheol Bong

finally arrived, a year-end gift. Thank you Imeo Thanasis


Lassi Sidoro

Been so many years since I had my collection, I have to get this just as a reminder of all the good gear. Looks good as ever.


Giannis Kolasidis

Είναι απλά πανέμορφο Θανάση!!!


Theo Pritsoulis

That “thing” has the potential to send my old attys in the drawer


Adrian Schweri

Tremendous atty the iAtty, thank you Imeo!


Thanos Arazos

πραγματικά ειναι κουκλί!!!


Francesco Paone

Quality and beauty.


George Giannopoulos

Παίζει τα πάντα δεν μασάει ο βασιλιάς!!!
Και φοβερή ανάλυση και χτύπημα!! Για μένα ότι καλύτερο κυκλοφορεί τώρα σε ότι έχω δοκιμάσει τουλάχιστον!!


Dennis Albert

A good start into the new week to see Perseus on his new throne


Gerhard Grozurek

Perseus … on the trail of Iatty, here the long version. I took out the air reducing ring in the top cap, it creates a slight bubbling (probably due to condensation water) in my setup (0.8 ohm, 18 watt, 2mm pin). Otherwise a top vaporizer … congratulations Imeo.